Money Heist Season 02 All Episodes in Hindi and Duel Audio


Netflix's La Cade Papel: The Story of a Great Robbery.

You have seen many pictures of bank robberies or thefts, the Hollywood Oceans series is famous. For a long time, there was nothing to compete with Oceans, but now we have found a worthy competitor. It's about Netflix's 'La Casa de Papel' or 'Money Heist' series. The story of a great bank robbery has been told in episodes with suffocating excitement, let's talk about that story today.

The protagonist is one of our professors, at least he calls himself a professor. The protagonist should not be called a villain - that is a matter of debate, thousands of people are stealing money unjustly. It's just like Pirates of the Caribbean, knowing that Jack Sparrow is a pirate, yet his compassion and mixed support for him never diminishes.

So I was talking about the professor. His master plan is to steal money from the Royal Mint of Spain. As if not three figures, it will remove 2.4 billion euros at a time! But he is reluctant to call it theft. Why? Because he doesn’t actually steal. Print the money. And he will print the money and run away with the team. There are eight people in his 'robbery' group, each of whom has a deep past and special skills. Once you enter the Royal Mint, it will take 11 days. In those 11 days, they will keep 6 hostages captive, and there will be strict police guards outside. It also takes a great way to escape. What will happen?

Так я говорил о профессоре. Его генеральный план - украсть деньги с Королевского монетного двора Испании. Как бы не троекратно, он снимет 2,4 миллиарда евро за один раз! Но он не хочет называть это воровством. Почему? Потому что на самом деле он не ворует. Распечатать деньги. А он напечатает деньги и сбежит с командой. В его «грабительской» группе восемь человек, каждый из которых обладает глубоким прошлым и особыми навыками. После того, как вы войдете в Королевский монетный двор, это займет 11 дней. За эти 11 дней они будут держать в плену 6 заложников, а снаружи будет строгая охрана полиции. Также требуется отличный способ побега. Что случится?

Money Heist SE02 All Episodes

Ep-01  Play

Ep-02  Play

Ep-03 Play

Ep-04 Play

Ep-05 Play

Ep-06 Play

Ep-07  Play

Ep-08  Play

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